Joshua Fontaine
"The idea of Lutèce stems from my fondness for the aperitif, that moment of relaxation and conviviality that marks the end of the workday."
04 April 2024

Inspired by its unique history, romantic life, artistic fervor, and grand cafes, with Lutèce, Joshua pays homage to the City of Light.
How did the idea of LUTÈCE come about?
The idea for Lutèce stemmed from my attachment to the aperitif, that moment of relaxation and conviviality marking the end of the workday. I also wanted to invigorate the French aperitif offerings, which have a long history but are no longer in vogue. To achieve this, I aimed to create an original, natural, and lightly sweetened recipe, packaged in an environmentally friendly bottle.
What makes LUTÈCE an Avant-Gardist?
It's the quintessential Parisian aperitif that meets the expectations of today's consumers: transparency in the recipe, a moderate sugar content, and eco-friendly packaging.
What were you doing before? What led you to delve into the spirits industry?
Before starting Lutèce, I was part of the team that founded Candelaria and Mary Celeste in Paris. I am still involved with these Parisian bars and restaurants. The adventure of Lutèce has allowed me to explore another facet of this fascinating industry!
Tell us about your first memory of tasting spirits.
My first memorable tasting experience with spirits, like for many people, I believe, was when I tried mezcal for the first time. While I was familiar with tequila, artisanal mezcals are on a whole different level. In fact, it was this experience that inspired us to open Candelaria in 2011.
What is your favourite cocktail, and place to enjoy it?
Choosing a favorite cocktail is too complex; every moment and every place call for a different drink. But recently, I particularly enjoyed the Manhattan at the Bemelmans Bar in New York.
What is the most heartwarming feedback you have received about LUTÈCE from a customer?
"It's damn good!"