DISTILLERIE DES PYRÉNÉES Vodka Bear Brothers Clementina Bio
41%vodka aromatisee50cLfrance Ref 63532
i.e. 80.00 € / liter
This Vodka is flavoured during distillation. No additions after distillation except our Pyrenean spring water. No sugar, aromas or essential oils.
Clementina is the Latin name of the clementine which is our flagship ingred...
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This Vodka is flavoured during distillation. No additions after distillation except our Pyrenean spring water. No sugar, aromas or essential oils.
Clementina is the Latin name of the clementine which is our flagship ingredient and of which we use the Corsican variety, we add Mandarin and Timut Pepper to give it an explosive kick.
We distil on the Rolls-Royce of stills, the Stupfler, 4th generation of still makers near Bordeaux, Jean-Louis was trained by his father MOF (Copper Boilermaker) and is gradually passing the baton to his son Yohan. These handcrafted pieces of goldsmithing allow us to obtain round and smooth spirits, with an extreme fidelity to the ingredients used.
We reduce all our spirits with spring water from the Pyrenees and bottle them at the distillery.
- Brand : distillerie des pyrénées
- Merchant : No information.
- Strength : 41%
- Volume : 50cL
- Peated : Unpeated
- Ref. : 63532
- Biological Certificate : FR-BIO-01
- Owner : SAS Distillerie des Pyrénées 33 chemin de gentis 31320 Vieille Toulouse FR
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Distillerie lancée en 2019 par deux frères et un ami d'enfance, tous originaires des montagnes pyrénéennes ou les Ours ont été réintroduits.
Convaincus de la nécessité de mettre en avant la gastronomie et le savoir-faire Français, nous axons notre production sur la qualité de nos spiritueux.
Nous recherchons les meilleures matières premières, que nous distillons sur les meilleurs alambics, nous réduisons à l'eau de source des Pyrénées.
Nous distillons du Frais, du Bio, sur base de blé. Nous ne rajoutons rien à notre distillation, pas d'huiles essentielles, d'arômes, de sucre...

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